Philip Graffunder,



4 Myths About How You “Should” Feel

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you talk to and treat yourself.

4 Myths About How You “Should” Feel

Our heads are often programmed from an early age with what we “ought” to feel, what we “should” be doing, and where we “should” be on our life’s journey. These “shoulds” are often myths and other people’s opinions masquerading as facts.

Download the free e-book 4 Myths About How You “Should” Feel to learn how you can sort out the falsehoods from the truth of what actually is. You’ll discover how to establish a framework from which healthy change can emerge.

What’s In the E-book

  • A look at life’s “shoulds,” including what you think you should know, feel, or do
  • Myth vs. Fact: 4 illuminating scenarios that involve “should”
  • How to stop the internal criticism of endless “shoulds” and create a healthy basis for change
  • Additional help to explore your “shoulds” and perhaps discover answers about yourself

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Looking to Free Yourself from the “Shoulds”?


Philip S. Graffunder is the owner of Positive Social Growth Counseling and Therapy Center.

He is a therapist, counselor, and clinical social worker with more than 20 years’ experience.

If you would like to explore your “shoulds,” trauma resolution, life transitions, general feelings of malaise, or another issue in-depth, Philip may be able to help.

To learn more about his services and experience, visit